segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2024

246 Candomble - Moments of Initiation – Integral

Candomble is a religion of african origin. The gods and revered ancestors express themselves through their devotees, their sons. Four nations predominate: Angola, Alaketu, Jeje, Ijexá. Inquices, orixás, voduns make up their pantheons. In the temples, spiritual families get together. The mysteries, the secrets, the essentials are presented to each eperson according to her functions, involvement, devotion. Traditions are preserved and each beat of the drums, each gesture, act, chant, dance, each plant, each food has its meaning. Here, moments of initiation of a novive, a muzenza. Candomble, Angola nation. The temple, Ilê de Ozoane da Gebi da Romeia. Edited by Raul Luiz Ramos Directed by Luiz Fernando Sarmento 1989 Posse Nova Iguaçu Rio de Janeiro Brasil

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